Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Ever Will I Wear?

Lisa at Take 90 West has kindly honored me with this...

Thank you, Lisa! I am so humbled that you would read my blog, much less think it is sometimes enjoyable.

I know the big awards ceremony will b
e here before we know it, and I just don't know what to wear.

I was kind of leaning this way

But I'd have to get an essential area of my body lifted first. And get a collarbone transplant.

What about this one?

Same song, second verse on the lift. And doesn't this look like an updated version of the dress worn by the Marie doll of the 70s?

Maybe I should look somewhere other than strapless...

I think this is the one.

What? There is a writers' strike and there won't be an awards ceremony? Are you kidding me?

(Sidebar: This so reminds me of my senior year of high school. I was finally nominated to the Homecoming Court and wouldn't you know....due to torrential rain the game was called. It was the only game in the history of my high school to be stopped!! I was forced to grab my purple taffeta dress between my legs and run like the wind down the muddy track. My satin purple-dyed shoes were hot pink. My hair was a nasty wad of wet hairspray. It was a travesty, people. A Travesty.)

Oh well. Even without an event, I am still thankful for the honor. And I will pass the torch to a few blogs that I enjoy.

I truly look forward to visiting Casa de Jules. It is a treat to see what Mrs. Jules will be posting. Her site is beautiful. Her home is beautiful. Her words are beautiful. And if you find her picture on there...you'll see that she is beautiful, too. I would totally love to hang out at her casa!!  (Mrs. Jules--feel no pressure to put this award on your site and have to try to decorate around it:)

Another site I've recently discovere
d is Divine Domesticity. Ali is all about lovely homekeeping. Her site is so clean and pretty. I can't wait to try her recipes. I've got a stack of them printed!!

Of course, I must mention The Princess at The Princess and Her Pets. Even though she is my favorite kid in the entire world, I am really proud of her blogging. She is learning a lot about writing and communicating. She
is thrilled that she's received a couple of comments from kids her age!! Thanks to all of you who check on her from time to time. It makes a Mama proud...

Though she's on a bit of a maternity siesta, Kelly at Love Well is one of my favorites. She is really funny, yet sincere. She is the real deal! Her new baby may make you want to have another so read with caution...I'm teasing--Kelly is a must read!!

My dear friend, Amy at By His Grace is right smack dab in the middl
e of Toddlerville. We became friends when she was in college and was The Princess' babysitter. She is a wonderful friend.  She talked me into blogging and then tutored me on how to start. (Bless her heart.)  If you have little ones, you'll totally relate to her struggles and joys!  

I must also send a shout out to Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie. She may singlehandedly be responsible for my clean cabinets. And my meal planning. And my new favorite planner. And my junk drawer being not-so-junky. Her Meal Plan Mondays are the best. Thanks, Laura!!

Finally, I want to give props to The Faithful Chick.  She lives out her faith daily through her posts. I love that she wanted to do "more" with her blog and she began 10 Minute Tuesdays.  She's recovering from surgery, so drop by her site and say hi.

There are so many other sites that I love to read. I am amazed at how ma
ny talented and funny people there are in this bloggy world!!

Thanks again, Lisa. I guess I'll just have to celebrate in this...

Minus the coon hat and funky pose plus about 30 pounds.


Queen Mother said...


Upward Falling Autumn said...

I think that Keira Knightly is supposed to wear that VERY outfit to the Oscars. OOOOh her stylist is gonna be maaaaaaad!

Amy said...

Thanks for such a sweet award! You nailed me on the head when you said I'm am in the midst of todderville! I am honored to be one of your blogging favorites, but even more honored to be your friend. Thanks for making me smile today!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the mention!! :) I hope all the recipes turn out well for ya.

Laura said...

Well thank you for that, how sweet!

I think that the black dress is my favorite because the first dress looks like curtains and that is just wrong on so many levels :)

Off to check out some of your other links!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations....and thanks for the props.

Much love...faithful chick

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Well if that won't snap me out of my maternity-induced break, I don't know what will.

Besides, this smile on my face has to go somewhere! It might as well show up online.

Thank you, my friend. I'm honored and touched.

snaphappy said...

That's the dress that I was going to wear!!!! Lisa nominated me, too. Haven't yet posted my nominees -- you've motivated me to get to it!

Jess said...

(I'm not sure if my first comment went through, so I'll try again.)

What a surprise to receive an award from one of my favorite daily reads! I am humbled by your comments and honored that you passed the torch to moi. ;) Always love having you visit!